It's really Me Yeahh..

Foto saya
Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
Seorang yang mungkin menurut orang lain gak pernah jelas maunya apa, sukanya apa, bahkan ada yang bilang saya suka asal, namun saya pikir mereka yang aneh, beruntung saya berada ditengah keluarga yang selalu membanggakan ke"unik"an ini. Sehingga saya tak perlu merasa risih dengan apa yang saya punya...hal yang paling tidak saya suka adalah menyesal, karena menyesal hanya akan membuat kecewa dan marah, so yang terjadi yah udah ajah terjadi, yang akan datang yang harus di'nikmati'...saya termasuk orang yang cukup ramah meski susah akrab dengan orang lain, tapi jika kita udah klop..jangan tanya saya bagaimana membuat anda jadi gila huehehehe...artinyaaaa...kalian siap siap merindukan aku setiap saat hahahaha...narsis..itu pastiiii...karena aku harus menyukai diri sendiri dulu baru bisa menyukai orang lain..setuju setuju??? so welcome to my world!!!

Jumat, 29 Januari 2010


I like you a lot I realize you're in a relationship
with someone right now and I respect
that I would like you to know that if you're ever single
in the future and you want to come visit me
I would be open to spending time with you and finding
out how old you were when you wrote your first song

I liked you too much I used to be attracted to boys
who would lie to me and think solely about themselves and you
were plenty self-destructive for my taste at the time I used to say
the more tragic the better the truth is whenever I think of the lately 90's
your face comes up with a vengeance like it was yesterday

I love you muchly you've been nothing
but open hearted and emotionally available and supportive
and nurturing and consummately there for me I kept drawing you in
and pushing you away I remember how beautiful it was to fall asleep
on your couch and cry in front of you for the first time you
were the best platform from which to jump beyond myself what
was wrong with me

you rocked my world you had a charismatic way
about you with the women and you got me
seriously thinking about spirituality and you wouldn't let me get away
with kicking my own ass but I could never really feel relaxed and looked out
for around you though and that stopped us from going any further
than we did and it's kinda too bad becasue we could've had much more fun

we learned so much I realize we won't be able to talk for some time
and I understand that as I do you
the long distance thing was the hardest and we did as well as we could
we were together during a very tumultuous time
in our lives I will always have your back and be curious about you
about your career about your where abouts

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